Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP)
Anna University is committed to provide quality education to students and equip them to become readily employable and live with pride in this society.
To achieve this, the quality of faculty members plays a pivotal role. Keeping this in view and to prepare the students to accumulate the knowledge essential for Engineering syllabi in an effective way. The Centre for Faculty Development has been started by the University to conduct faculty development training programmes during Summer and Winter Vacations to cater to the needs of faculty members. The Centre trains the teachers to plan and prepare the lessons, understand the subject contents and improve the teaching quality. To improve the quality of education, it has become essential to improve the teaching skills and knowledge of the teachers in the subjects they teach. These programmes are conducted during the Summer and Winter Vacations to enable the teachers to participate and benefit.
The resource persons are experienced faculty members from Anna University and also experts from the industry. Until Summer 2018, 1617 programmes have been conducted and 38,392 faculty members have been trained.